Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Perk number 306783 of being a pastor

It's not a perk really, but it does make me appreciate what I have here around me.

I spent a chunk of time tonight with someone who just discovered their marriage is gone, spouse, house and life.

After that, I came home and hung out with Thomas a while. We scanned some shows on the nerd network, looking for and finding some cool computer hacks. He started to try some of them and Micah got home, so I hung out with him. He's not nerd inclined, well at least computer inclined, yet.

No, he wanted to watch U2's DVD that came out with their cd, "How to Dismantle..." So we rocked out together a while. He of the musical variety.

Interesting how differently we're all made. Little bit of this, bit of that and there you go, a person.

This morning Johanna brought home a couple of awards for her involvement in school. One for drama and another for the mock trial she participated in. While Hillary, her sister brought home a pretty well done picture she had painted, and received %100 on. Like I said, different strokes for different ..., yeah, you know.

I think the trick in life is becoming contented with who you are. Not being settled in a negative way, but in a blessed way realizing what gifts you have to offer, and shaping them to work well.

Now, if we were the Brady Bunch, Johanna could sing, lead of course, and Micah would back her up. Thomas would work sound and tech stuff and Hillary would prep the scene, backdrop and stage area. Lauralea could sew their outfits, and I?

I'd write about it the next day in this Blog.


  1. A good job you aren't the Brady bunch - the thought of one of you impersonating David Cassidy is not a pleasant one.


  2. Cool,

    It is a good thing when we REALIZE gifts; to encourage people to use them and be content when they are using them; supporting them in what God has already purposed from the beginning.

    Randall, keep writing, keep praying, keep listening, keep supporting. Thank you for using YOUR gifts so well..

  3. Randall, I think you mean, The Partridge Family". The Brady Bunch is about two DIVORCED people who fall in love and join their families together. Add to that, the eldest son dates his TV mom in real life and the TV dad dies of AIDS in real life.

    Definetly not what I picture your family's lives to be like!!

  4. yes, I was gonna comment on the "Partridge Family"....maybe Micah or Thomas could get a radiio station on their braces....it happend to Lori.


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