Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Daily reading. The View From Here

Philippians 1:27-30
The View From Here

When I used to make pizzas for a living, I was always discouraged. All I would see was the lousy job I had. Then God changed my perspective. I saw that I was learning patience and faithfulness. I was learning to work with some very difficult people, and hey, I was making some awesome pizzas.

Sometimes we get that way in life. We see the daily grind and it isn't fair or hopeful. We don't stop to check our perspective.  Paul reminds us that this world is not our home. Our citizenship is held by another world -heaven.

We are citizens and representatives of heaven, so we should act like  it! But we should also remember that we are going to that place. Yes there are hardships here. Injustice will happen to you and hardships will happen too. But they are not forever, they are temporary.

Remember that. Look up and see where you are headed.

Father, thank you for preparing a place for us. Please prepare us for your place. Amen.


  1. So if this isn't my home, where can I buy my one-way ticket out of here?


  2. Ahh, you can't buy your way out of here, your daddy has to take you.


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