Saturday, October 01, 2005

Coolest use of the technology? It's Botswana Baby

This is SO cool!

National Geographic has set up a camera at a watering hole in the heart of Botswana.

They feed the video and audio up to a satellite, shoot it round the world, back onto the internet and bob's your uncle, right into our homes.

The audio is amazing and, though I've only been watching the feed at night there, it's very very cool.

You need realplayer to view it, and you need to go there right now and take a serious, mouth fall open look at the wonders of technology today.

(Probably Jordon Cooper shouldn't view it, just in case there might be a croc in the picture, and the lord knows we don't want to stress that heart out any more than it has been already...)



I just saw an elephant taking a bath, live, IN AFRICA!!

1 comment:

  1. Technology is quite amazing and so are the views of the animals.


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