Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This isn't rocket science boy

There are some schools of thought that say you should work on your professional weaknesses in order to strengthen them, to make you a better whatever. Then there is the school that says hey, just focus on your areas of strength and you will achieve a lot and enjoy it.

All I know is this, two weeks ago I was doing a lot of things. This and that meetings, administrative correspondence, planning worship, doing a sermon, visiting, mentoring, etc. etc. Stuff that had to get done.

It was a very long and tiring week. I dragged my butt into and out of Sunday and I barely made it.

Now last week I had to work on a sermon, and meet with some people. I didn't have to do some of the other things that are necessary, because others were doing them. The result was that I had time to pray and wait, listening for His leading. I was able to meet with people and those moments were very profitable. Those connections went deep quickly and I suspect that it was because I was ready for them.

Last night at a meeting I was doing a short study on leadership in the New Testament church. What I was reminded of again was how easy it is for leaders to start doing many important things. So much so that they slowly leave the things they should be doing.

You start doing many urgent things and you leave the important things. Prayer and the word. Prayer and the word. Prayer and the word.

It seems that when I spend time on those two things, then the other things that I do are so much deeper and truer. The visits are much more helpful. The solutions to the problems pop up easier. And my spirit is calmer, stilled if you will. Doing anything from that Christ centered stillness ends up being way better than running around trying to do it all.

This isn't rocket science boy.

May God save me from myself.


  1. I agree, "doing anything from that Christ-centered stillness ends up being way better than running around trying to do it all." Sometimes it's so difficult to remember who I am (His beloved creation, created to love Him and enjoy Him) and who He is (the Holy Abba who sustains the universe, who exists in every moment of time everywhere).

    Initially I had started to write a longer comment, but it got too long. So I put those thoughts on my blog instead, where I referenced your post. Thanks for sharing your heart and prompting me to reflect.

  2. Randall, Gary was right - this is an excellent post and so was the one that he wrote after reading yours. I am glad he pointed me to you!

    Also - that photo of the road, the moon rising...incredible! Did you take that?

    God bless you.

  3. Hi Layla

    Yep that's my pic. Each time you load the page you should get a different image at the top.

    You can see them all here:

    Nice to meet you.



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