Monday, March 20, 2006

Album Art. Oh This is Cool

So, here is a site where you type in your fave album, band, group or DVD. And up pops the album/dvd covers for that group.

It's a bit of a blast, especially when you type in the names of groups from your youth. See what you come up with.

Like I did, with ELO.

There are a few quirks, because all albums with that in the name pop up. But it looks like a good start.

Check it out here.


  1. Cool.

    Sometimes not all of the album covers show up (i.e. they will say showing 1-9, but only show 5 album covers), anyone else have this problem?

    Incidentally, it looks like they rank the album art somehow too. When I type in "Joshua" there are several hundred albums, but "The Joshua Tree" (U2) comes up first. Clearly that's the most recognizable (to most people) album with the word "Joshua" associated with it.

  2. Fun site.

    Keying in the artist name instead of the album name seems to result in a lot of albums that merely include a song written by that artist. For example I was surprised to see 40 albums for the relatively obscure Mark Heard. Only a handful of the albums shown are actually Mark Heard releases. Subsequently many albums by other artists/groups are listed, some containing a single song written by Heard.

  3. Well, I typed in Amanada Marshall and I found album covers in which I have never seen before. Great find Randall.

  4. I never knew Jeff played an Ovation Breadwinner - thought he was mostly a strat man. Fascinating.


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