Saturday, March 25, 2006

"I Had A Dream"

Right now I am sitting in the Sanctuary where the church I am a part of meets regularly. What makes it so "amazing" is that I am writing this post from a front row seat.

You know, as the pastor of these people I have some dreams that I hold out for them. They are mostly dreams for spiritual life and health and progress. They are dreams about relationships between God and humans, and humans and humans.

Now, it can be really difficult sometimes to measure if those kinds of dreams are being accomplished, because they are dreams of The Spirit.

So, I also hold on to some physical dreams, and if they are completed, well I celebrate like it´s 1999!

It may seem lame to you, but one dream of mine has been to have the Internet available at church, so you don´t have to dial-up to get the church email or update the website. Well yesterday afternoon the pipe to Gateway got turned on. And I am celebrating by siting in the sanctuary, listening to Classic FM, writing this post.

I know, how lame.

Still, God is good to me through it.
No doubt.


  1. "And the Lord parted the heavens and down to the realm of men it descended, bringing with it much rejoicing. And the Lord saw that it was good."

    -LANentations 1:5


  2. Love that LANentations.

  3. I think seeing God's hand in the little things is awesome. :)

    Congratulations on reaching the new millenium.


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