Thursday, March 02, 2006

Homeward Bound

Well, in a few moments I begin my journey home. It will begin at 11 am, and end tonight around 8:30 pm. And I just looked outside, it's snowing again.

Lauralea tells me it's been snowing since I left Prince Albert, they are having difficulty getting the cars out onto the street. Sounds like fun.

And I've got meeting hangover, my head is ringing and hurting, and my sinuses are dry as prairie dust! That will make for an interesting flight.

I'm looking forward to being home tonight, it will be good.

But that good feeling will be accompanied by a sense of accomplishment. That we got done here what we needed to get done here, and we did it, as God has led.

Have a good one eh?

1 comment:

  1. Steve MenshenfriendMarch 2, 2006 at 6:37 AM

    I'm glad you're part of that group at this time.


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