So, this spring Micah and I put up his birdhouse. Actually, we were just standing it on a post while we painted around it, and forgot about it. Till one morning we saw little happy singing birds pushing twigs into the hole, and making a home out of it.
Since then we have enjoyed happy bird singing nearly every day, and we feel pretty good about ourselves, helping out a small bird family making their way in this world.
The only problem is CROWS.
Now we have some nasty crows around here. They have lived in the area in the past, building nests in the trees nearby. This year they have taken notice of these small juicy morsels, and have attempted on numerous occasions, to grab themselves a quick lunch.
They like to land on the fence beside the little house, and wait patiently for lunch to stick it"s head out.
And We. Will. Have. None. Of. That.
So I picked up a slingshot and we have it positioned beside the back door. If we even see a crow on the yard, out we go to take shots at it. It flies to the treetops, but that doesn"t stop our defenses. We continue to shoot at them, still within range. They fly further, still not far enough for our skilled shots. Finally they fly off to other things which catch their attention.
Slowly they are learning that we will not be trifled with.
Tonight as I came home, there was a crow sitting on the fence, waiting. I ran in and got the slingshot and fired at it again and again till it flew off in fear. I waited, just to see if it was circling back on me. All was quiet.
I approached the trees where they sometimes hide. Nothing there either. The crows were gone and the little birds live to sing another day.
Then, just as I turn around to go back into the house, from the midst of the trees, the joyful, happy sound of the relieved little bird filled the air. Seems he had been hiding in the trees, unable to get home, till the big black crow was gone.
And he was grateful.
Us 1. Crows 0.
Ya, they came to our place. Crows 1. Robins 0.
ReplyDeleteBut don't you realize that crows are an important part of the urban ecosystem? And that the life of every sentient being has equal value? And a lot of other animal-rights cliches?
ReplyDeleteLOL. This totally reminds me of a humiliating story from my recent past.
ReplyDeleteGlen and I were finally becoming more involved in our new church and had decided to attend our first ever social gathering with the church people. It was a backyard gathering with a nice fire and some singing. Lovely yes?
No. One of the boys had a slingshot and was attempting to hit a bird and all the men were cheering him on! I leaned over to Glen and whispered, "If he hits that bird we are out of here." I have a very soft heart... WAY to soft really. (Scotty D tells these awful cat stories... he made me cry at camp once.)
Anyways. He hits the bird. Which I probably could have gotten over if the little punk hadn't gone and fetched the bird from the alley and brought it into the yard... all injured and stunned. Which wouldn't have been so bad if I could have escaped before he brutally killed it in the gateway. (Blocking my attempts at fleeing and traumatizing me forever.)
I then proceeded to humiliate myself (at my first attempt to be social with these people) by running from the yard sobbing. (Yes. I am 30 years old.)
The next day I found out it was some lousy crow that was hunting the smaller birds in the neighborhood. Whatever. It was still brutal.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that was the moment they knew they could be ok with you, and trust you with their hearts...
Cool story though. One for the books!!
And Phil, why did I know you were going to say that?!?!
"And Phil, why did I know you were going to say that?!?!"
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure, since normally I'm cuddling up to crows just like Sir Paul McCartney with his seal friends.
Actually, I believe in pest control, but I think it should be done in a humane way. A 12-gauge shotgun would be much more humane than a slingshot. Unfortunately that probably wouldn't go over very well on 4th Street.