Monday, July 10, 2006

So, for those of you playing along at home...

This spring has seen me making a few trips for my board work, travel to Calgary for our Conference Annual meeting, Travel to Strathmore for Johanna"s Commencement, meet Johanna"s “Boy Friend,”? come back to get her flights etc. arranged so she can be in Switzerland this year, travel to Saskatoon at least once a week to spend time with mom and dad, walk with a friend through cancer and another friend through nearly the loss of her life, assorted band concerts and board meetings, and school farewells, two work related funerals, child having emotional breakdown, Fathers day, Hillary"s big graduation weekend, my dad died, planned and moved through the week of his funeral, help as Executor of his small estate, good friends from another country arrive for a good visit, good friends from church here moving away, keeping up with preaching and Sunday services, and next week I"m at U of North Park, Chicago for my intensive class on Spiritual Direction.

Thus has run my last eleven weeks.

To say I am a basket case would not be an understatement. Still I find reserves inside to continue to step up and be present.

The church leadership where I serve has wisely told me to take a couple of days for a time of rest and prayer. This I will begin tomorrow.

So as you think of me, pray for refreshment and renewal of my tired tired spirit.

And pray too for Lauralea. I think this sums it up for both of us these days.


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Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.