Sunday, October 01, 2006


So we will be out of the loop for the next three days as we drive, retreat, then drive back.


The place may have WiFi, but it's a crap shoot out there. You might see me, and then maybe you won't.

Have a good week.


  1. You're on retreat.

    Leave the 'puter behind.

    Hope you get refreshed.

  2. It was good seeing you and Lauralee. I told Steve to send Mark and I a care package. You should add some stuff to this care package if one is being sent. My Grandma was talking to Clara Wiberg and was told a care package would be sent. Again, send a care package. I can't stress this enough that you should Mark and I a care package. Again, you need to send a care package.


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.