Friday, December 15, 2006

I am repanted.

And the lady at Value Village didn't even flinch when i told her my story.

Probably happens on a regular basis, that the wife throws out the husband's "best" pants.

Now I can wear pants when people come to visit. They will be pleased.

1 comment:

  1. Marc had to go back and get one of Madeline's toques once that had fallen on top of the bag of Value Village stuff. I forget what exactly happened, but I, of course, chose to blame Marc for the loss of the toque. We got it back no problem, too.

    Makes you wonder if you just sat in the parking lot down there and watched people bring big ticket items in, if you could go down there and say, "my wife wasn't supposed to give away that antique 6 ft grandfather clock... could I get it back?"


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