Tuesday, January 30, 2007

1 image = 1000 words


  1. That is so true as well, actually joking aside my xp laptop is currently a paperweight to straighten out a poster!

  2. I second the motion... so much so that I have gone from a PC preferrer to a Mac disliker. I boycotted DQ when they ran (and still run some) of those stupid ads. Mac is close to that level.

    And just think, if computer smear campaigns aren't enough, we just had civic elections, provincial elections are coming and likely federal elections sooner than later.

  3. :-))

    I find it really funny, as a relative fan of older windows versions.

    But if you want to see something WAY funkier than Vista, download Mandriva One 2007 (www.mandriva.com). It takes the GUI to a new level and makes fedora, Ubuntu etc look well past it's 'use by' date.

  4. Even though I'm a Mac user (at home and at work), this is still funny.


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