Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Huston, we have ignition

Well, I believe that is our last three hour planning meeting before the people start pouring in to Prince Albert from across Canada and parts of the US.

This week and weekend Gateway Covenant Church is hosting the 103 Annual Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada. There's going to be a ton of people in and out of here these days, and it's going to be crazy, but good.

I'm working hard to get Cafe Randall up and running with live bands for Friday and Saturday nights which should be a blast.

Jordon Cooper is coming up on Friday to do a workshop called "Off the Edge, - A look at the discontinuitous path as the church moves from a worldview shaped by Christendom to a world where the church is no longer on the radar of three quarters of Canadians." Some of you who read this space may be interested in it.

We also have a workshop by Greg Glatz from SpiritVenture Ministries on "The Wine Lover’s Guide to the Gospel: Lambrusco-Style Leadership for the 21st Century - It's time to move beyond the old-wine/old wineskins approach to leadership. One of the world's most-overlooked wines offers refreshing, new images for experienced and emerging leaders."
Our speaker for the weekend, John Mohan is the Executive Director of Siloam Mission, a Christian humanitarian agency that has served Winnipeg’s inner city with meals, clothing, counseling, and support services since 1987.
So hey, if you are in the area and want to drop in, do that.

If you want to get into one of the workshops, shoot me an email so that we can be aware of your coming, just to make sure there are enough seats.

Mean time, hold your breath, here comes the week.

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