Friday, June 15, 2007

Ruth Graham, Dead.

MONTREAT, N.C. (AP) —Ruth Graham, wife of the world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham, has died. She was 87.
A spokesman says Graham died at 5:05 p.m. today at her home at Little Piney Cove, N. C., surrounded by her husband and all five of their children, Billy Graham released a statement calling Ruth his life partner, and saying the two of them were “called by God as a team.”

May she enjoy the Hope of her Salvation now.


  1. In a world and time of televangelists and sometimes questionable behaviour I have always admired the Grahams. They have role modeled love and respect for each other in a way we have rarely seen.

    I read about recent controversy regarding a burial place for the Grahams. I hope that she was able to leave this earth with as much peace and dignity as she brought to it.

  2. Yep.

    In a day of fakes and snake oil salesmen, they were the real thing.

    Consistently. Till the end.


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