Friday, August 29, 2008

OK, let’s catch up

Friday afternoon and what I know is this:

The inlaws have arrived, and are in my house someplace. I saw their car as I drove past to an appointment.

Micah has just done day two of High School and by all accounts seems to be enjoying it. Oh and hopefully his room is cleaned out, for the above mentioned company.

Hillary is off to college tomorrow. She is bussing it tomorrow night, through the night, to Northern Alberta. She has a class “Reunion” Sunday night.

And it looks like Thomas has been accepted to college. Lauralea gave birth to him via C-Section but the birthing pains of the past few days legitimizes us for Vaginal Birth Equivalency.

He wants/needs time to pack and say farewell on Sunday, so Lauralea and I will install him on a bus in Saskatoon Sunday night, to be at the school Monday by around noon.


Deep, cleansing breath everyone.

Now I just need to muddle through the weekend.


  1. And may the Lord continue to have mercy on all of you!

  2. Wow, what a weekend!! What a beautiful street in your photo. If that is your street in real life it is a gorgeous one! Congrats on the college acceptance for your son.


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