Friday, October 03, 2008

at the Entheos retreat centre

Well I arrived, after a long and beautiful day on the road.

A part of my contribution is over, and it looks like a great group of young leaders to meet with.

In a while I will start meeting with those who want some of my time. I'm looking forward to that.

But I'm feeling a bit off. My head hurts and I want to throw up, but I haven't really eaten anything yet.

Oh and miracle of miracles, there seems to be an open WiFi signal in here.

Course I'm here to listen, so don't expect returned emails very soon.

Peace to you today. The kind of peace that there is out here, in the pines on the edge of the Rocky Mountains.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better now. Entheos........we pastored a wonderful church interim for a few months 2 years ago just north of there at Sundre AB. Have been to Entheos so many, hope you have a wonderful time there. Ooh, the mountains..........sigh......


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