Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday mornin comin down

On this Sunday morning with six days left before I officially begin, we thought we'd head off to the nearest neighbours church which is a Lutheran one down the road, but we couldn't find out any information on it, let alone when it starts. So, we're thinking of poping into the church 50 feet away and joing them in worship.

We'll sneak in the back, at nearly 11 am, so as not to create a big stir. Hopefully we can just worship with them today.

I got word late last night that one of the people from here who is in the hospital, isn't doing well. So I'll head up to the hospital after lunch and meet him and hopefully get to know him a bit.

It's Sunday today, and I hope that wherever you read this from, you have a meeting place to go to, to gather with like hearted individuals and just take some time to be with the Lover of your souls.


  1. We had a good one today with Gavin preaching, singing Meg's favorites, Patrick giving his guitar a try with the worship group. Then to top it all off, soup and sandwich fundraiser for the youth.

    I am liking the youth class - great bunch of youth, I think.

  2. Ah, sounds lovely.

    I prayed for you guys.

    and the youth ARE great.


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