Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our first new table ever.

It is somewhat embarrassing that we have never seen fit to spend our money on new furniture and so we've been married 23 and a half years using donated tables or like the last one, a sweet deal we picked up at Sally Ann for 30 bucks.

Well, all that stopped last night and we bought one of the lesser priced (That will help us sleep tonight, honest) dinning tables from Ikea.

And today we read the Swedish pictures on the instructions and managed to create something useable. It took four of us but we made it eventually.

 Table is Up

Our first meal on it?
Two pizzas from Pizza Hut, picked up hot and driven like a bat out of sheol for the 20 minutes home.


Our last meal on the last table, the cheap, solid, mismatched one we loved?
Christmas Dinner.

Together one last time around it.
Sans two.


  1. "driven like a bat out of sheol for the 20 minutes home"


    But was it hot when you got home?

    Your table looks quite similar to ours.

  2. Hey, congrats. We've been married 27 years, and still never had a new table. Mind you, the one we have now was my grandfathers, and I very much hope Ben will be able to inherit it when he has a home of his own.

  3. Isn't there a website that translates Swedish pictures?

    Our 2nd-hand table needs refinishing but I still like its solid feel. Maybe when the kids start leaving we'll downsize to a smaller table, but not this year.

  4. Does it count as a new table if it's made of wood salvaged from a 100-year-old house and was a service exchange for a graphic design job for a cabinet maker? Pretty much all of our "new" furniture, such as our bed, is made with salvaged wood. My decorating style...salvage chic (or not so chic?). I hate to admit this, but the more you read Swedish pictures, the more intuitive they become.


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