Friday, December 12, 2008


Has been about letting my spirit catch up to the rest of me.

The week has been full, good full, of opportunities to care and serve and carry the burdens of others to God in places of prayer.

The pain out there is so intense sometimes, I can't believe what people walk through in seasons of darkness and deep loss. The ability of the human being to inflict pain just astounds me some days. As does the ability of the healthy soul to be resilient.

So today I've been carrying some of those stories to God, hoping for some healing and peace for those who need it most.

And I've been preparing for Sunday. I want to talk about the coming of Joy and about what it even means to "Fear Not" in this day and age. God is still God and Christ is still His son, still on the throne, still acting, still loving, caring, weeping, grieving. All in the name and cost of love.

So tonight I'm just trying to carry to him what I need to carry out of this week, and to leave what I cannot change, into his care.

I am praying for a number of you out there this night too, that the God of peace might visit your homes and hearts.

And as you think of it, word just came in that Heidi, my brother Jeff's wife has been rushed to the hospital. That's all that needs saying for now, that and can you pray too.


Be careful out there doing your semi-final shopping this weekend ok?



  1. Oh no, poor Jeff & Heidi. And this was the first weekend Jeff was going to have at home! We will keep praying.


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