Sunday, January 18, 2009

Praying with your Spirit

This morning in worship I wanted to continue to explore prayer, so I took a passage that Paul sent to the Corinthians in a letter and expanded it a bit to look at praying with the mind and praying with the spirit.

We may pray well with our minds, but how can we pray better with our spirits?

That's what todays talk is about.

Listen if you wish.

Praying for ya.


  1. thanks for another great sermon.

  2. Ya, thanks...I missed be there. Had to be at a workshop in Edmonton all weekend.

  3. I am listening to this amazing sermon and enjoying it very much. It is very timely, for there is so many loved ones that need my prayers and our own english is limited! I am confident God is hearing my spirit...what a blessed thought!

    Thanks again for posting this - you are a gifted speaker and you're blessing people miles away.


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