Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The worst hospital chapel I've ever seen.

5 ft by 10 ft.
Lame and sad. Camrose Hospital

Posted via email from randallfriesen's posterous


  1. I think you accidently found the janitor's closet.

    I suggest taking those over-sized fortrell-covered chairs and placing them out on that green-grassed, sun-shiney space out the window.

    Although in the winter, probably not.

  2. Maybe this is one on one chaplaincy - no there are more chairs. The chair in the corner must be reserved for amputees since there is no leg room.

  3. Hey, Randy, today, Grace and I were talkinng about forgiveness and she suggested I Listen to your sermon about forgiveness. So. I did. Right on. More people should hear that message and there are some I am thinking about right now. They WOULD feel blessed. Thank you so much for an excellent sermon.

  4. Thanks jean.

    That one seems to have struck a nerve.


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