Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another day done

It began early with me in Wetaskiwin at the post office when it opened to finally get the posters in the mail for our community fair and family BBQ next Friday. Really glad that is done. Really. Really. Really.

Today was about people once again. People who wanted to talk and explore where they were in life, with God, and with others. It was a good day that way. These people are on a journey and they are not sure of the destination. That's always kind of exciting to be able to walk with people through times like that. And the conversations were like that today.

Actually the morning was a face to face time with someone, and this afternoons appointment was also face to face, only they were a few thousand kms away, so we used Skype, which behaved very nicely for the couple hours we were on. Face to face chatting like we were in the same room.

Anyway, like I said, people on a journey to where they don't know. I like that level of honesty. Frankly its hard to work with people who think they know where they are going and will try their hardest against all odds to get where they think they need to be. They usually are not ready for what God has for them at that point, and so they push against his words to them. No, today's people are reasonably honest with themselves, and want to go where they need to go, even if they don't know where that is yet. Oh I have my suspicions of who they turn out to be and where they end up in the end, but it is their journey and they need to make these discoveries for themselves. So I accompany them, and pray for them and listen to them and speak when they need to hear someone else.

So that was a most gracious day.

Then tonight some friends stopped by on their way home, so we had company for the evening.

There are different opportunities that come to me these days, and I really need to hear if they are the kinds of things I need to pick up or I should leave alone. They are broader opportunities, and as I reflect on them even now I realize that the one thing they have in common is working with pastors, especially younger ones, and ones having difficulties. That's something I am more and more passionate about, and so I need to be praying and listening for some clarity about that. These things are not about a new job but simply more about the volunteer work I do for our group of churches.

Tomorrow I need to start preparations for Sunday, oh and of course that "work" for Revenue Canada has an approaching deadline. Better get over my bitterness about that and get on it.

Tonight my thoughts are with a local young mom in the hospital in Edmonton who is struggling with mental health issues and who needs prayer. Her and her young family and husband.

I'm also carrying around the Vandersluys clan as they are in the midst of packing all they own into too small a truck and moving to Manitoba for him to go back to school. Seminary to be exact. I deeply respect the cost to them and their families. This cost of obedience and faithfulness. No one said it would be easy, and it isn't. So tonight I'm praying for them. God be with them, support them, be close to them, and give what they need to see from you this week. Please God...

And the rest of you, from the field, good night.


  1. Randall,

    Pastoral Work is all about Presence. Being present. Listening, Praying, Sometimes being silent until you hear the still small voice... it all works. I just finished my final Pastoral Ministry Project. I wrote a paper on the "Circle" and Pastoral Ministry. Presence was the first thing on my list of important necessities. That seems to be your strength, so pay attention, we may be leaders, but in the same vein, we are also followers. Knowing the difference is usually a good thing. Learning how to navigate between the two poles is what we do in this business. Leading - Following - Leading - Following ... With a little prayer stuck in between.

    You are always in my prayers. And so is your flock.

    Goodnight Randall...

  2. Hey Jeremy

    I agree, it's all about presence. And it can come down to the little things that give a sense of and confidence in that presence.

    I think this is one of those trouble areas that some pastors who struggle in relationship with the ones they care for, fall down on. They may even be in the homes and in the lives of the church, but still not be present to the people. Indeed it can be more of a spirit thing i suppose.


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