Monday, September 28, 2009

Windy Monday Blown Away

Cleaning house all day, getting ready for the small group leaders to meet here tonight, but I took a few minutes to head outside and take a look at the shingles and eves on our house.

Sorry you can't hear what I'm saying, but the wind, she was loud.


  1. It's really nice to see the house and the church in the field. It has been blustery and rainy here too and the temps are staring to fall overnight(in Montreal). Our trees are turning as well, I took notice of them today when I was out and about.

    Thanks for the video. What are you preaching these days? I would like to hear what you are talking about in the field.


  2. I almost blew over yesterday, which says alot as I'm a bit on the hefty side these days! :)


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