Friday, September 11, 2009

Worship Gathering Time Change

No, the earth isn't standing still, rather we are changing our gathering time off of our summer meeting time of 10 am to our autumn meeting time of 11 am.

Still the same people gathering to worship, you just get a bit more rest.


This Sunday we are talking a bit about how we here in the Field can connect with and care for the world we live in. Yes we've got a lot of work to do, but we aren't afraid of a little hard work. After all, are not our neighbours and we ourselves working day and night in the harvest here, working hard to bring it all in?

Yeah, you get my point.

So we'll see you this Sunday, and each Sunday through the winter, here at 11 am.

Oh and remember, next Sunday is the Sunday school startup. We'll expect to have classes for everyone, so plan to attend.

And if I recall correctly, there will be roast pig for lunch. And that's not something they ever announced in Jesus day.

So don't plan on cooking for lunch for yourselves.

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