Saturday, December 05, 2009

Photo resource for church worship

So lets say you are part of a small church and you have managed to get the church beyond the realm of songs on an overhead projector. Let's take a moment to celebrate; Well Done You!!!

But now that you have a projector and a screen and songs to sing, you would also like to add a dimension of worship for the visual, creative types that was always missing with the overhead projector. Images.

Beautiful, stimulating images.

After you've used all the appropriate digital snapshots from your family vacation to Niagara Falls, you are hungry for better images.

Doug Robertson, a pastor with a love for the local church and a wonderfully gifted photographer, has created a resource for local churches. A collection of good quality images that can be used for digital projectors for worship. And they are free for churches and ministries. Yes, I said FREE.

If you pastor a church or go to a church where the video projector guy needs a fresh infusing of quality imagery, here is your jackpot.

Check out Doug's project at:

Well done Doug and thank you for breathing affordable life into our church worship services.


  1. What a great site! Wish it'd been around last year when I was doing up my services once a month!


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