Friday, February 12, 2010

For those of you trying to get a children's book published

Dr. Seuss' first book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, was rejected 27 times before he stepped into an office elevator and bumped into an old friend who happened to be working at a publishing house.


  1. To only bump into friends in those kind of positions . . .

  2. That's like people trying to become a basketball player need to take into account that Michael Jordan never made his high school basketball team. Jordan became a legend in basketball.

  3. Me again - sorry, but I've got lazy/used to auto-entry boxes.

  4. It is always both what AND who you know: we often blame a lack of one for our failure, and often the wrong one. If certain people I know did not know certain other people I would not have the consultancy work (and I thank God for it too, for making those connections for me) that is going to help us keep going. Being great at my job isn't enough.


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