Saturday, February 06, 2010

Good Memories

I was moving some files around today and noticed a file marked Friesens Farewell. I probably shouldn't have clicked on it but I did and there you go, flooded with memories.

Our church in Prince Albert prepared this as a part of our farewell.
Seems like so much living was done in those years. Kids, church, life, it's all there.

There was also lots of love there as I reflect now. Love was really the only thing that church really needed to help it get to a good place, and so we tried to love lots. And that love was given back to us in spades.

That's the thing about love it seems. When you offer it and give it away you never run out of it because it comes back to you, multiplied. I'm not great at math but that's a great equation.

Anyway, here's the file that made me smile and get wet eyes this afternoon.

Friesen Farewell from Randall Friesen on Vimeo.


  1. That was awesome. So many memories. Thanks for sharing that! :)

  2. Thanks for all the years you and your family gave to Gateway. And thanks for posting the video.

  3. Randal, that was great to watch and see so much love from Prince Albert and your family.

    I regret not being able to share in more memories there, but cherish the ones I do have.

    I hope that you and your family is well in all you are doing.

  4. Hey Scott, nice to "see" you again.

    Hope things are good.


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