Friday, April 04, 2014

a pastors role

“In the modern church the role of the pastor is no longer clear-cut… For much of the history of the church, the work of the pastor was quite unambiguous: the ‘cure of souls.’ The shepherd is to help the sheep assimilate and live out the spiritual life. In short, the pastor is essential a spiritual theologian and a guide to godliness. It is this work and nothing else that gives the pastoral vocation its distinguishing mark.” — Simon Chan, Spiritual Theology

This is what I'm saying "Yes" to when I am answering the call He has invited me to.
It is the heart of the heart of the matter. As out of step as that may make us.

Upon reflection, maybe that's why I'm ministering in a field.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting source, particularly the 'blue chip' aspect.

    The quote is nice, though a little rose-tinted over history. ;-)


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