Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sitting by the fire is becoming a thing for me

This has become my favourite place these past five weeks as I've been awaiting the appearance of kidney stones. My body is weaker than normal and the heat warms me nicely.

The pain is a constant companion I have come to dread each day. These five weeks have been far too long, but there is a plan in place for day surgery next week. They will try to access the stones once again.

The days have been very full of work. The needs in our community are great right now, perhaps greater than normal. So I am trying to keep up with my work, and manage the pain at the same time. That means that when I have a few moments I crawl into my chair in front of the fire and warm my bones as much as I can.

It feels like my health or lack of it, has grown in its role in my life. I know this is temporary, as hopefully these stones will soon leave me alone. However it feels like my life is ordered by these 8mm stones more and more and it is frustrating.

And exhausting.

Funny, I don't think I've used the fireplace more than a few times in ten years. But its getting a good workout now.

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