Saturday, February 15, 2020

Happy Valentines Day

It’s kind of funny how we give each other cards for such occasions. They sure show our personalities.

She got me the “Wanna get lucky?” Card. Inside it says, “Oh wait, you’ve got me. You’re already Lucky!”

And I got her the “Story of Us” card. “My favourite love story is the one we are writing together.”

Some years it feels like only one of us gets it right on the money. One of us gets the perfect card for the other. But this year was like we both got the perfect cards. Win, win.

It’s nice when that happens.

Happy Valentines Day.


  1. Looks like you both got lucky then. ;-)

    Chris bought me some chocolate coated Marzipan (and gave me a card) while I bought her some chocolate with pistacchios in Belgium. Looks like the way to our hearts was through our stomachs. :-)


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