Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Like Eggs With That?

This morning I had to take the car in for servicing and across the street is a diner that makes a good breakfast. I often meet people there for work, but today it was just for me.

I’m trying to live into my short vacation as fully as I can, as quickly as I can. And breakfast was a part of that.

I’m doing some things that give me energy again. Some writing, a bit of drawing, nothing great really. But creative things that energize me. I might even take a short online art class. Crazy I know.

These months have been amazing, I should be an utter basket case already. The weekly pressures of trying to maintain ministry and care for a community has brought with it unexpected pressures. But the strength God gives has been greater. That’s the only answer I have.

I know some churches won’t make it through this time and some pastors won’t make it through either without big changes. But perhaps that’s one good thing to happen through this time.

How are pastors and churches doing what they do? What needs to change? What should remain? Oh there are interesting days ahead indeed.

Anyway for now, straight ahead into seven needed days off.


  1. "These months have been amazing, I should be an utter basket case already. "

    That's like sayng 'hit me, hit me'. ;-)

    But I'm glad to hear you're not a basket case (any more than previously) and are able to enjoy a little break. :-) May you find energy, rest, recuperation and laughter & happiness in your time off.

    Yup, many things are going to change including churches.

    1. Hi guy

      I AM really curious what the church looks like after these days or months or years I suppose.

      We got back and getting back into life here.

      Birthday there for you??

  2. Yup, birdbath here yesterday. Yours too shortly IIRC. :-)

    TBH I felt really maudlin: 59 this year, not really happy about many things. Had my mum over last night, she's 88 now, and it's difficult to reconcile the woman who played with me as a kid and supported me as a teen being a little old lady with no strength and a 45sec short-term memory. Age is cruel.

    C'est la vie.


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