Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Twas the week before Christmas

The cold has taken over here and as of yesterday things are considerably colder than I like. This morning as I got up it was -35C.  Not fit for man nor beast out there today.  And if you were to add the windchill, well then its darn near killer frost for people, especially the homeless.

So of course Lauralea and I decided to head to the city yesterday to see if we could find some Christmas cheer at the mall. We didn't find what we were looking for though, but we did have a good Vietnamese lunch. We talked briefly about what we were looking for and it seemed to be a memory of a previous time when we could walk for hours in a big decorated mall.  Turns out we just can't do that any more. We were done by noon and headed home.

I'm still hacking and coughing up stuff and this is my third week at that enterprise. I believe the worst is behind be but boy does it linger long. I was suppose to go in for a dentist appointment today but I may have to cancel it again. Cancelling it is no real hardship honestly. :)

Thats the news from The Field for today.

If you're in a cold place, take care out there.

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