Saturday, February 04, 2023

Church Meeting Done

From the perspective of a nine-year-old, Paint me a picture of a church meeting.
In my years as a full time, 35 years now, the annual meeting of the church has always been a big deal. And many of those meetings I have been fearful about beforehand. 

But not today. Today was our annual meeting at Malmo and I actually have been looking forward to it. 

Turn it up to be a longer one, 4 1/2 hours, but we also did some visioning, and some work to help us plot a path for the road forward. I was surprised at the general optimistic spirit of the crowd. Probably more optimistic than I am, but that could be other things at work too. 

No, the spirit of the meeting was so lovely and so good. And really when everyone is on the same page, trying to listen to the same spirit, well it can be amazing and wonderful.  

It's always been my sense that the church business meetings should always be in the same spirit as Sunday mornings are. Because if they are not, there is a disconnect in our faith and how we work out our faith.  And some in the churches I've served in the past have been very disagreeable to that opinion. 

But if a person or a church can't be the same on the outside as it is on the inside… well, God help them. 

God help us all. 



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