Wednesday, January 19, 2005

meh, whatever...

So, Becky directed me to this test to tell what age you act. Since I'm so old and wise, I thought this experience might add to my great wealth of wisdom. So I took it.

I think the test is broken, I mean, Becky comes out at 29 and me at 26?

Course, I did wear (and preach in) a Jet's Jersey last Sunday...

I may need to talk with an image consultant.


You Are 26 Years Old


20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.


  1. :-)


    are you legally allowed to drink at 19??

  2. Certainly. In the UK you can buy alcohol in a bar/pub at 18. You are also able to publicly drink alcohol with a meal provided it is purchased by your parents at (I think) 14. AFAIK there is no legal limit at which one may drink alcohol privately.

  3. I'm 25 apparently. Nuts. I don't like these kinds of tests (and they're all the rage these days) because I never get the results I hope for. In this case I was hopnig for an age higher than mine (and therefore higher than yours!). Alas.

  4. Hah! I'm all of y'alls senior. Pay respect. ;)

  5. I'm my own age. Who woulda thunk it?

  6. Took the test. Liked the results! It seems to predict age about as well as the outside temperature sensor in my vehicle senses the temperature.

  7. You once told me Randy, that we were a lot a like. I never thought so...until now...I am twenty-six yuck.

  8. I hit the magic 30.

    Which is only about 3 short.


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