Sunday, December 11, 2005

3 am, Still Awake.

Well, the day turned out to be a good one, you know.

I headed out real early this morning and ended up at McDonalds, drinking strong coffee and chatting with the early workers. It was nice, didn't feel like Sunday.

And bonus, no falling asleep with paper stuck to my head!!

Worship gathering was good. God talked to me, and us about hope and his ability to give it to us when ours runs out. We spent a good time of the morning praying. For so many need around us, and the world -especially Nigeria with the plane crash that killed so many of those children heading home for Christmas...

I got to do some of those things God seemed to tell me to do today when I woke up at 5am too. That was very good.

And hey, tonight I started writing this postmodern piece that's due in a few days. It all kinda, thankfully, came together tonight, so I kept writing. I won't know if its a coherent piece of work till tomorrow, when I read it after a good rest.

So, 22 hours after this day began, it's ending. I'm getting my dizzy self into the shower to warm up a bit, then to bed.


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