Monday, May 08, 2006

Feels like so many changes happening these days. Part 2.

The other major change that is in the works is that Hillary is graduating from grade 12. Wow.

Having two kids so close together means that many of the major events of their lives have happened one year after the other. And they are so different in their persons that you want to honor and respect that. Just takes some work to keep up with them, and their differences.

It´s tough enough trying to plan out your own life, but when your kids get to that age where they need to make decisions about what´s next, well, that´s when things get interesting.

Hillary has the world open to her. She wants a job she enjoys, and to travel, and to serve and care for others, and University, and taking a year off and, and, and.

The confusion needs clarity. That´s how it is for most of us.

So last week her and I were talking about all her options, and we grouped the many into a few simple headings. University. Work for a year. Get a college education and work in a missions/service thing. Travel till her cash runs out, then cut off her legs and bum around.

Then I encouraged her to pray about it for a few days, ask for some clarity and direction.

I don´t know why, but I still get amazed when God shows up and answers a prayer. And he seems to have done this for her as well.

After the weekend she felt like it was probably about University, for next year.
Then, as if God wanted to confirm his leading, he made living arrangement materialize within a few days. From no place to live, to an affordable, good place.

It´s always so cool when God starts looking out for your kids, and answering their prayers.

So, one daughter in Switzerland, the other daughter in University of Saskatchewan. Who knows where this all ends up.

Next up, Grade 12 Graduation.
The dress is ready (wait till you see it!), the girl is ready, now we need to get the parents ready.

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