Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A N D, W E ”? R E B A C K . . .


Something about a server being moved and SaskTel not being helpful at all, and there you go, I get blogstipated and a free month of service (due to the kindness of one very frustrated Prairie Fusion).

It warmed the cockles of my heart to get concerned phone calls from you, and not just the ones from my mom and my mom in-law either, but the calls from people who actually take the time to read this stuff. Nice one that.

I will back post a couple of items that I wrote over the weekend, just for the record.

Now, back to our originally scheduled programming.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back. I'd guessed it wasn't you when Laura, Linea, Marc and Dixie too were down, plus Johanna didn't say anything.

    You have been missed however.


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