Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Steve Jobs on Apple's future. Starting Today.

“From this day forward we"re going to be known as Apple, Inc. We"ve dropped the computer from our name.”? And then he quoted ice skating legend Wayne Gretzky. “”?I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it"s been." That"s what we try to do at Apple.”?


  1. I feel so unhip. Anyone who's anyone is posting about Apple's new phone and dropping the "Computer". I'm a PC guy, but not by choice---it's simply how I was raised.

    That new phone looks cool, though.

  2. I wonder what Paul and Ringo think about THAT statement?

  3. :)

    Maybe Apple Inc. is ready to settle.

    And yes, that phone looks amazing, and you will pay an amazing price for it too.

  4. I think I'd best start saving :)


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