Sunday, July 22, 2007

Live from the Windy City


Well, after starting the journey to Chicago about 24 hours ago, we have arrived.

Couldn't sleep last night at mom's, too hot or somesuch thing. Then up at 4:30 this morning to catch the flight, flying all day, and we are here.

The flight into Chicago was a bit bumpy, and there were a few moments we wondered if he would get the thing stopped, with bits and pieces of peoples stuff sliding past me. 

But, wonder of wonders, it's cooler here than it was at home!


That I can do.

So, tonight I have one more book to finish off, then tomorrow morning at 8 am, the bus leaves for the first day: Solitude Retreat Day.

I am looking forward to this. Alot.

Blessings on you all too.



  1. 23c, was that you seat assignment?

  2. Sorry to miss you here in PA. Have a good time in Chicago. Thinking of you!

  3. Kent, I'm certain that Randall was happier with 23C than he would have been with 23F.

  4. Ah yes I was booked into the bulkhead seat, wich was really sweet, room wise. But the plane seemed small and pencil like, I sure couldn't stand up in it.

    Anyway, that made for a bit of a bumpy ride.

    But we made it, safe and sound.

    23C, the balmy temperature.


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