Saturday, September 15, 2007

the ocean

I went for a long walk tonight.

I think I was looking for the Ocean.


Now, for a boy from the prairies, the ocean is very far away.

But I was looking anyway.

It is always new, yet never changes.

Kind of like God I think.

The Sea

But I was looking for the ocean because I need it tonight.

It let's me rest.

It lulls me to sleep.

It stirs my heart.

It restores my soul.

It awakens my senses.

It is vast and untameable.

It is mystery and greatness.

It is one drop splashed on my face.

Iona Shore

It attracts my attention with it's seductive power and beauty

and makes me take my eyes off of myself.

Tonight I went looking for the ocean.

And in some strange way, there will now always be a part of me looking for the ocean.

I guess I can be glad I only met the ocean when I was 43.

That way I have less time to pine away,


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