Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In contact with large crop circles

Fearless Dutch Boy Climbs Large Crop Circle

So later on today Lauralea and I joined Marc and Dixie for a bit of an adventure. It involved a great cafe, a hike through the forest, a few moments by the lake and an iced latte on a deck in a small catholic town.

It was a great day, and here is the proof.


  1. You had to choose the almost-plumber-butt photo, didn't you?


  2. Actually, I'm quite pleased with how well my pants stayed up at that moment.

  3. Looks like a wonderfully fun day and what beautiful weather for it!!!

  4. FWIW Italians get 'builders bottom' too, but it's just darker and hairier.

    Apart from Marc's butt and Dixie mostly not facing the camera, thanks for sharing.


  5. That's funny. I had no clue you would have so much fun with bales - now I KNOW you'll love it out here :) Beautiful photos, too!

  6. I just uploaded a pic of Dixie too.

    Proof to her that I got a good picture of her.

  7. Marc - I think you need to get off your (plumbers?) butt and show us just how lovely Dixie is. Randall is great at reportage but a portrait photographer he ain't.

  8. See, that's what I mean. How many pictures did you take and THAT's the good picture you got of me?!

    I guess my face is just very "expressive"...

  9. i like the one when Dix is on the dock, sorry Randall but here's hoping Marc's is way better. Looks like you had an awesome time tho! :)

  10. Is Christoper Lake the small catholic town? They do have a great cafe. I see you saw the church there, I love it. I wanted to be married there. But....

  11. That was the Anglican church in Christopher Lake.

    No the town we stopped in on the way home was...

    shoot, now I forget,



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