Friday, June 05, 2009

Wehrlos und Verlassen

What with Lauralea gone for the weekend and the guys busy, I took the time tonight to do something I've been planning to do for a very long time.

I have an early 1980's recording of the Mennonite Concerto and on the album are nine old songs sung in german. While I enjoy the Concerto, the mennonite german songs take me to a place of fond memories. I put it on when I want to remember and smile about the olden days in the mid 80's when Lauralea taught at a Mennonite German Bible school and I worked as a lay minister in the church. 400 people, half of whom spoke low-german and half of whom spoke english.

Both Lauralea and I were in the church choir and we sang many of these songs. When I led the choir I often selected the songs I enjoyed singing. That's why this album takes me back. So tonight I rigged a recorder and recorded the album, split up the songs and mp3'ed them. The quality isn't amazing, but I know what they are singing, and sometimes the words come back to me and I sing along.

Anyway, here is one of my favourites, Wehrlos und Verlassen.

Click here to listen.


  1. Just beautiful! I could listen to that kind of music for hours. I don't understand german, but, Elvin certainy does. I will get him to listen to it. Wow!

  2. Ahhhhhhhhh....refreshing to my spirit. I didn't understand the words but my spirit did.

    Thanks much...

  3. Thank you for posting this. You can find the english version on youtube It is not an exact translation but catches the spirit of the song. Danke.


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