Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Vacation. Day Two.

1. I started to play again today.

The church I serve has been changing over the past while and its changing for the better. It's becoming  a church of people with honest life struggles, some of which look to have no easy answers. So this year has been much busier for me and one of the ways I can tell that is that my Ham Radio logbook hasn't had a new entry since before christmas.

Amateur radio is one of the ways I play and have some fun. But I haven't really played with that in a long long time.

But today I finally got my 2-meter Kenwood radio installed in the van and that was fun. Now I can play while on the road. That's great, a good start.

2. I was contacted to write a Christmas piece for a denominational magazine.

This, is cool and a good challenge for me.
I enjoy writing but that discipline has really sort of dried up for me in the past years. My Spiritual Director has been inviting me to re-engage and consider this part of my life again and I am excited by the possibilities.

So then this invitation came today. Pretty encouraging opportunity.

Day two. Check.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds better. We have times to play and times when work just completely takes over. Glad you're settling back into something that you can enjoy.

    Have a great day 3. :-)


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