Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday Email for Malmo Mission Covenant Church

"For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness,
but one of power, love,
and sound judgment.”
2 Timothy 1:7, HCSB

Dear friends,

It feels like in some ways we have lived a whole year in the past week. And in ways we may not yet understand, the world has changed as a result of this recent health challenge.

We want to assure you that we here at Malmo are working to think through what these things mean for us and to create ways to worship together and be community for one another in wise ways. We meet the Chief Medical Health Officer for Alberta's recommendations for meeting and so we feel that we should gather this Sunday but we want to offer some points for consideration. These will help us be wise and caring for one another.

I also want to remind you that though the world has perhaps changed, God hasn’t changed. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” So at some level we need to place more of our trust in Him than we may in our earthly systems to save us. To live in the truth of that which we know for sure, (Jesus) more than we live in the confusion of the world. Yes we are choosing to be wise making prudent decisions, yet the truth is our God is bigger and wiser than it all.

We are praying for our families and friends today, some of whom are in quarantine awaiting the results of their tests. It's difficult to maintain some sense of normal while not playing mind games with oneself. Pray with me for them, God knows who they are.

And we are praying that God may use this to reach a lost people, perhaps even a whole country. Pray with me for this community, this province, this world.

Let us be the light of the world as we seek to live out that; "God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment."

In Christ alone,
Pastor Randall

How do we care for each other during this season of Covid-19?
Here’s some things that we have in place here at Malmo:

*Hand sanitizer stations are available for you throughout the church.

*A part of our ongoing routine is to disinfect the door handles, banisters and light switches.

*We remind you to frequently wash your hands, especially before handling food.

*We ask that you consider not hugging or shaking hands for this season.

*If you’re not feeling well, or if you’re not comfortable being in a public gathering, you may want to consider just remaining at home.

We are continuing to monitor the situation and more precautions may be required in the future.
Our hope and prayer is that we will not be driven by fear or paranoia, but continue to live in truth and with grace as we care for one another, wisely.

If you have any questions or concerns please talk to the Pastors or Church Leadership.

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