Saturday, August 04, 2007

End with a blessing

We got in from the wedding reception about half an hour ago and I'm sitting here getting my mellow on.

Lauralea's puttering around the kitchen having mumbled something about baking something with that ton of rhubarb we had growing in the backyard.  Hillary is downstairs sewing herself a vintage dress. She ordered a pattern from the states online and it finally arrived last week. The boys are playing xbox downstairs, and I am left here with my thoughts.

Kate is on the stereo, and I'm looking through my Iona pictures, changing my banner at the top of the page. Again I am stunned by the sheer beauty of the place. Breathless.

You would think with that kind of a lead up I'd have something pretty profound to say, but I don't.

Except maybe how cool it is that I don't have to work tomorrow, and how that simple thing has allowed my Saturday to be wonderfully free and clear and enjoyable.

After twenty some years of having Saturdays that focused me on Sunday, this is such a blessed treat. To be able to focus on just the now, the present, is a grace to me and those near me.

Today I visited with family, I had a nap, attended a wedding party/reception in the country, bought donuts for the kids, emailed my daughter, and now I'm talking to you. Not bad for a days work.


Thinking how blessed I am, tonight I will leave the blessing with you.

Deep peace of the running waves to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you.


  1. My wife is on holidays this week. Her disposition has been exceptionally light hearted knowing that Monday involves chores, but not work chores. House construction chores, but it doesn't get more enjoyable or exciting than that while still being classified as work.

    Also, Happy birthday tomorrow Randall!

  2. :)

    Thanks Jay.

    I'm just glad they finally declared my birthday weekend a holiday, so that more of you could enjoy the weekend with me.


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