Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Confirmation/Discipleship Crew



What a great winter I’ve had hanging out and teaching them. I’m proud of them, and in as much as it’s allowed for a pastor to love the kids he teaches, I sure love them.

I’m going to miss them when they go off to find their fortunes.


  1. Ya, they're a good bunch of kids. I'd never been to a confirmation service before. It was really nice.

  2. :) micah looks happy to be there...

  3. what a great looking bunch!

  4. We look forward to having them in Winnipeg in the next couple of years. Seems like the trend, anyway....

    We are (I am) thankful for the work God does in people's lives through Gateway.

  5. They are a great group.
    However I felt for you yesterday morning as you tried to wring some responses from them.


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