Friday, January 23, 2009

Need a smile?

Yeah. Me too.


  1. You can have my smile. Thinking about and praying for you both. :)

  2. It almost made me a little weepy. I love people in cooperation with each other.

  3. I saw Marc's comment up in the sidebar and thought it was for the pictures of the guys digging the grave. Now I see it's for the dancing bit. That's my Marc. He cries at the strangest things. :)

  4. Now to be fair and a bit more masculine, Marc wasn't crying per say it just made him a "Little weepy" is all.

    Like a little bit of water showed up at the corner of his eyes, which can even happen if its just raining outside.

  5. Just like the episodes of Survivor where the family members visit makes him a "little weepy"... right? Or the movies with the talking dogs and cats who find their way back home....

    Ah, but I love that about him.

  6. That's why I like him too.
    And truth be told, it had the same effect on my eyes.


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